Project Management in Marketing 101

Project Management in Marketing 101

Here’s your first project management tip: Stop Juggling. Start Owning Your Workload. And here’s a quote, because I love quotes:

“The universe has a way of testing our resilience. Barely making it in time is a testament to our ability to navigate the chaos and emerge victorious.”

If you feel that statement deeply – you must be a marketer. We see you.

Lessons Learned about Project Management

Managing multiple projects, deadlines, campaigns, and deliverables makes it easy to live this “chaos-victory cycle” over and over again. But after years in the field, I was hoping for a little less chaos and a little less “barely making it in time” and ready to trade it for a bit of peace of mind. 

I’ll admit, juggling it all in a way that protects your health and peace is an art and a science, but the back side of my pants was growing weak, and I had to make a change!

So, in this lesson we share our exact templates, processes, and tools for managing multiple projects and introducing you to a bunch of others that are great to help. 

So whether you are a “Post-it” note queen or a random pile manager, we have ideas to help you manage your workload.

And when we are so busy and launch into action without a plan, that can result in disaster.

We’ll show you how to manage your information in a way that helps you to:

  • Set better and more realistic goals.
  • Stay on schedule.
  • Delegate responsibilities.
  • Prioritize the tasks that matter most.
  • Sneak out on a Friday without feeling dread in your gut!

Here are a few things that you can implement now to help your next project go smoother.

  1. Get your plan written down and ensure you know the specific goals for each project/campaign.
  2. Map out a realistic timeline for completion. Push back if you have to.
  3. Establish one place where everything related to that plan will go – whether that is a Google Drive, a SharePoint page, a wall or calendar for post-it notes, a file folder, an email folder, or a specific place to stack all of the info in your office, a dedicated place will help avoid the “looking through everything to find that one thing you needed follow up on.”
  4. Ensure you establish a regular timeframe for connecting or check-ins for project updates and delegate what you can.
  5. Set some time blocks on your schedule to ensure you have time carved out to work on the project.

Ready to ditch the “just in time” spin cycle?

Are you ready to own your workload with peace and power? Here are some practical lessons about managing multiple projects.

Project Management in Marketing

Want to learn more about marketing, PX, and content strategy practical tools, tips, and tricks? Follow us on LinkedIn for more insights. 

Do You Have Specific Questions about Project Management?

Do you have questions about a specific project or need more support? Let’s chat, and we can send you some samples and tools.

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About the Author

Sally Mildren is the CEO and Chief Strategist for ClarityPX. She is a time management and project planning whiz who spent 20 years on corporate healthcare teams, handling the parties and events to the marketing campaigns and new initiatives. She admittedly geeks out at an office supply store and might be found switching up the files, planners, and notebooks in her office regularly.



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Project Management in Marketing 101

Project Management in Marketing 101

Here’s your first project management tip: Stop Juggling. Start Owning Your Workload. And here’s a quote, because I love quotes: “The universe has a way

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